Personality test can help chart path to your future

By Emily Gregg

            During August, the 9th, 10th, and 11th graders took a personality test in Naviance called Do What You Are. Mrs. Moffitt was in charge of this assignment, and has taken the time to explain it.

            “The personality test gives you insight about your personality, and suggests careers that you would enjoy based on your personality,” she said. “It also tells you about your learning style, strengths, and challenges to help you improve your academics. It is a helpful test, and could be used to improve how effectively you study and do your homework.”

            Miriam Gregg, freshman, Jacqueline McIntosh, a sophomore, and Sarah Faulkner, a junior, all explained the results of the test as very accurate, and just like Mrs. Moffitt said, it was helpful.

            “It also provides you with a good insight on possible jobs,” said Miriam. “It would be great for a student looking for career options and what they want to study in college.”

            The personality test can be taken by any student by going to Naviance and clicking the “All about me” tab. The results are displayed in letters. An interesting fact about the letters is that if you have certain ones you could qualify to be a spy in the CIA!