Students recount exciting German exchange

By Jasmyn Genchev

Germany001The summer trip to Germany was a great success. It was another chance to see many great cities in Germany. Both students who studied German and those who knew no German will never forget this experience.

The trip included a 14-night stay in Germany’s best preserved medieval city, Regensburg, located by the Danube River. The excitement did not end with just walking around this amazing city. Herr Gray’s group visited a concentration camp in Flossenbürg used for mining rock, and learned about the life touching story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and how he confronted the Nazis.

They also visited München (Munich) to see the great castles of Bavaria, built by King Ludwig ll of Bayern (Bavaria). Patrick Pagnozzi’s (10C) favorite part was “touring the castle Neuschwanstein in Bavaria.”

“My favorite part was going to the Bürgerfest over the weekend,” said Kat Camberg (10B). “We got to walk around, eat, and listen to concerts.” The Bürgerfest (citizens’ festival) is a special German Celebration that only occurs once every three years for three days. Herr Gray specifically planned the trip to experience this occasion.

Another, once in a lifetime experience was zip lining through the Klettergarten (climbing garden). “I liked crossing a bridge through the middle of a mountain in Austria, as well as the ice cream at the Bürgerfest,” said Gaby Urias (10C).

Herr Gray loved “walking through the streets of Germany, all the smells, food and, especially, hearing people speak German!”