New director brings fresh changes to Cantamus

By Carter Sampson

Cantamus has always been an example of what makes TPA great, whether singing at football games, concerts, or Disneyland. This year they’ve made some changes that will make the program even better. The new director, Mrs. Stewart, has some new ideas that have increased the number of singers and the quality of the choir.

Cantamus performed the national Anthem before the Homecoming game.
Cantamus performed the national Anthem before the Homecoming game.

One of the most noticeable changes to Cantamus is the addition of a choir council. Led by President Gyllian Gaylor, this is a group of seniors who have taken on leadership within the choir. According to Gyllian, the council has allowed the seniors to make changes based on the choir members’ feedback, rather than only the director’s decisions.

There is also a fall fundraiser and car wash coming up soon to help Cantamus improve even more.

They sounded great singing the national anthem at the homecoming football game, and I can’t wait to see how this new version of the choir performs in concert. Of course, they can always use more singers.

Gyllian says, “Cantamus has definitely changed a lot in a few months and I encourage every high schooler to join!”