NHS helps make a difference

By Nina Lin
The National Honor Society has been participating in Feed My Starving Children, a popular service activity that TPA students enjoy. Once a month, the NHS group gets together and packs meals specifically designed for starving children, which are then sent to about 70 different countries around the world. For more than 25 years this Christian anti-hunger charity has been sending nutritious packed meals to the world’s most needy places. On October 25, an NHS group volunteered to save many children’s lives from starvation.
Hanley Carter, a senior, said of his experience: “I realized the impact a group of people can make in their own town. You gain unique perspective by going. I also learned that we can make a difference to save children around the world. I had a lot of fun and my favorite part was Victor Dinh’s bad scooping. We were having a race with the others groups and may have accidentally spilled ingredients or had wrong measurements a few times.”
Connor Will, a junior, said of his experience at the Feed My Starving Children: “I learned that the more people that are involved in a station the more chaotic the station is. However, it’s fun and exciting when everyone is there with you. In the end, you feel good about what you accomplish and how it will benefit those you save.”
Billie Nagy, a junior, said of her exciting experience there: “I learned how simple it is to make a large impact by helping in an easy way. It was an exhilarating hour-and-thirty-minute working experience. You get to talk with your friends as you work on your tasks. It is rewarding to know that I can help others in a small, yet meaningful, way.”

The next NHS trip is scheduled for Dec. 19, and any TPA student can join. “Anyone, anywhere, can help people across the world.” FMSC 7FMSC 5FMSC 3FMSC 2FMSC 2