The upperclassmen take their fourth consecutive win at the powderpuff football game

  By: Zoe Lenz

In 1945, Susie Lowry, a freshman at Eastern State Teachers College, was determined to have a football game of her own and two hundred-thirty girls signed up to play. Afterwards, the Madison Daily Leader called them “The Powderpuff and Rouge Elevens.”

   This tradition lives on at many schools – including TPA. Each year, the upperclassmen and the underclassmen face off in an eight-man flag football game. On Sept. 21, after a location change due to the rain, the two teams played at Hanger Park. The powder puff cheerleaders rallied on the teams and the crowd, and even attempted a stunt. In the end, the upperclassmen won, which led to the fourth consecutive win for the upperclassmen. 

   “The team improved a lot,” said senior Gabriel Ross, who coached the upperclassmen, “The first few practices were a little rough but it seems that they put all the pieces together when they started to play.” 

   Despite the bad weather, the powder puff football players,cheerleaders, students and parents enjoyed continuing this TPA tradition. Be on the lookout for other fun events that Student Life is planning for the school year.