The bungee-inflatables and cotton candy machine were huge hits at the annual TPA Family Picnic

By Theresa O’Connor

   What’s a bungee-cord inflatable doing at Hollis Park? 

   On Nov. 5, the annual TPA Family Picnic invited students, parents, faculty members and alumni to an event filled with free food, fun and festivities. With the additions of a Dessert Walk, cotton candy machine and hot cocoa station, this year’s picnic was a huge success for all who attended. 

   The Family Picnic brought the TPA community together and it couldn’t have been possible without the hard work and dedication of parents, students and staff who volunteered to facilitate the event. TPA parent and TPAPO Hospitality Chair, Ms. Lara Kristof, oversaw the organization of the picnic. She founded and managed previous family picnics since 2018, and she referred to prior years to plan. She says, “We wanted to create a carnival-like feel away from work, school and technology.”

   With the help of co-chair Sharon Zygowicz, who assisted Ms. Kristof; Ms. Michelle Rotner, who created the Sign-Up Genius; Ms. Wendy Darling, who coordinated the showcases of multiple extracurriculars; Ms. Jennifer Sayer, who put together the music playlist; the Campbell family, who prepared 200 “smashburgers”; Ms. Bernadette Rynish and Mr. Geoff Rynish, who moved tables and chairs and assisted in other areas of the event and alumni parents; Ms. Laurie Hendrix and Mr. Jamey Hendrix, who returned to help out for the day, the picnic truly took a village to assemble.

   The 2022 TPA Family Picnic included a bounce house, Frame Sports games, a robot demonstration from the FIRST Robotics high school team and a face-painting station run by Art Club. Needless to say, the picnic had a variety of activities that both adults and kids enjoyed. “Now that the event is over I feel the event reached our goals. The weather could not have been more perfect and I think everyone that came enjoyed themselves,” Ms. Kristof says, “I am glad that the TPAPO is in the position to sponsor an event like the school picnic at no charge to families.”