New TPA Literary Magazine sparks creativity in the student body

By Annie Goodykoontz  

   The new TPA Literary Magazine offers students an opportunity to submit original work that is distinct from the academic writing style that TPA requires in its curriculum. 

   Junior Zoe Lenz started the magazine because she “think(s) that it’s a great way to showcase all the talent TPA has to offer” and was inspired after seeing other literary magazines. “I wanted to put everyone’s talents together to make a concrete project,” she said.

   Junior Hailey Camposis is excited to help out with the magazine. “My friend and partner in this project, Zoe Lenz, first came up with the idea and asked if I would work with her on it because of our shared love of writing,” she said, “We are both aspiring authors and wanted to create an outlet for students to share their creativity!”

   The magazine will be available online, but Hailey hopes they will extend to print editions in the future. “We are hoping that eventually, we can raise enough funds to have a printed publication,” she said. 

   If students want to submit original art, photography, articles, short stories or poetry to the magazine, they can join the organization’s Google Classroom and turn their work in through the submission assignment. 

  Hailey also encourages students to join the student staff to help run the magazine. “This club is run by friends of Zoe and me, along with a few other dedicated juniors,” Hailey said,“If anyone wants to become a member and help with the running of the magazine please let us know!”