Say hello to Tempe Prep’s new (and returning) teachers

By Tamsin Hurlbut

   Have you seen any new faces around campus? 

   We have four new teachers this year and one who has returned: Mrs. Hamilton, the junior year physics teacher; Mr. Cady who teaches sophomore Humane Letters and poetry; and Mr. King, a former Chandler Prep teacher who is teaching junior year Humane Letters. 

   Dr. Evans also returned this year to teach poetry.

   Mrs. Hamilton loves TPA so far. She says, “I’ve had a great beginning of the year!” Before TPA, she taught middle school science at Grace Christian Academy, across the street from TPA, for seven years. She says, “Most people assume I’m here for my kids (she has three at TPA),” but she loves TPA’s methodology. About her subject she says, “I know physics is a hard subject.  … I really want to put my heart and soul into my job so all my students can succeed.” Fun fact: she was on the ski team at her high school and still loves to go skiing with her family!

   Mr. Cady is another parent turned teacher with four of his children currently attending Tempe Prep. He says the “TPA faculty is outstanding” and that “he feels supported, and the students are great.” Before TPA, he worked in parish ministries for 20 years. He wants to use his education in philosophy and theology to help educate, “form human beings and lifelong learners.” He also says he “believes in the potential of students and knows they will look back at TPA and see the value it brought them.” His favorite book from the TPA curriculum is “Grapes of Wrath” because he is passionate about the plight of the poor and injustice. A fun fact about him is that he is a huge music collector! He has over 2,000 CDs and 1,000 records. 

Mr. Cady teaches Humane Letters, poetry.

   Mr. King is also a new Humane Letters teacher. He says it is “refreshing and invigorating to teach new books, learn from new people, and work with a new faculty.” He says though he had a great experience at Chandler Prep, he is happy because he is a “Tempe person.” His favorite classes in school were 11th grade English, and his 7th grade ancient history class. He loves Middle Eastern history and American history but also music. His favorite TPA curriculum book is “My Antonia!” A fun fact about him is that he drives a moped. 

Mr. King teaches Humane Letters at TPA.

   Dr. Evans has returned to TPA this year. He used to teach junior year Humane Letters, but he is now teaching poetry. So far he feels “welcomed and appreciated.” He loves both poetry and HL, but he “thrives in whatever environment he’s in.” He loves Alexander Pope’s work and John Keats’ pieces. He was also a drum major in his high school band, and he was in a TV close-up for 6 seconds!