TPA Speech and Debate team maintains its excellence

By Renae Brown

   “Speech and Debate is a community of advocates, and I love how I can infuse my own advocacy into my speech,” said senior Taylor Conley, a member of Tempe Preparatory Academy’s Speech and Debate team.

   Taylor, along with other members of the team, has already competed twice this year, at the Arizona State Invitational at Arizona State University and the Scorpion Spectacular at Mountain Ridge High School. 

   The Arizona State Invitational featured students from several states: New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevadah, California and Arizona. Senior Dayanara Gamez was a semifinalist in Congressional Debate, while sophomore Carlos Ovando became a Triple Octafinalist in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, which means that he passed the preliminary rounds. 

   At the Scorpion Spectacular, Taylor was a semifinalist in Original Oratory, while it was both eighth-grader Ayla Malbrough’s and sophomore Alyssa Grapevine’s first Speech and Debate Tournament. 

   Additionally, at the ASDCA Division II Winter Trophy back in December, Taylor won first in Poetry Interpretation, for which she was awarded a $100 scholarship, and Dayanara won second place in Congress Chamber 1. 

   Upcoming competitions include the Jackrabbit Jamboree in February, AIA Division 2 State Tournament in March and the National Qualifier in April.  

   TPA alum and present coach of the TPA club Agatha Attridge expertly assists her students. Not only does she currently coach the Arizona State Forensics team, which is ASU’s Speech and Debate team, but she coached and participated in Speech and Debate at TPA previously. 

   In total, TPA has 13 members. 

   Everyone from middle school to high school is welcome! Students are encouraged to visit the club in room 404 on  Monday or Wednesday between 3-5 p.m. and then register if they want to participate.